
Hey there, to anyone who is reading this I am Krishna Noutiyal and this is my site. This site is all about my journey to become the #1 cyber champ in the world. I created this site when I was in 12th or you could say when I was passing out of school life and entering college,

I know it’s a long journey up ahead and that’s why I have created this site to share my experience in the industry and share things that I learned every day. I short sharing everything I am suffering or enjoying

I am not a great writer or influencer so I don’t know how to talk and write good so plz? don’t judge my writing it’s childish I know. what would you even expect from a
A 17-year-old boy who doesn’t know anything about everything.
But it’s written from my heart.
Hopefully, my writing and talking skills are not this bad in future

Join me on my journey of becoming the #1 cyber champ in the world, together with me.

I will show you the perspective of a little boy who is trying to make his stamp on the world. Learn with me, fall with me, work with me and rise with me to be the best version of yourself and so will I.

I am going to share what I have learned, what things I did wrong on my way, obstacles I came across, and everything else left, you got it right?

This About Me page is not going to be edited by me in the future so that, if in the future, I or anyone else reads this page. I/He shall get the motivation that was needed in that time difficult time.

I don’t know who is going to see my site in the future or if it will even be available online till that time but as of now

I am a little boy with huge dreams, don’t know if I have that much potential in me or not but in any case, I want to be successful in my life, in evvveeery aspect of it, whether its money, skills, fame, or fitness …  every single thing you are possibly thinking off.

Will I make it?
How far have I come in my journey?

See the My Journey page