
Announcing Linux Basics For Hackers Series

This part is the 1 of 7 in the series Linux Basics For Hackers
Series NavigationA Short Tour of Kali Linux In 10 min >>

Linux is versatile and you will have to work with it one day or another, in the world of hacking where we see data breaches more often than elections, don’t you think you should, at least know the basics of cyber security? Okay forget about cyber security for a moment, and think how many systems have Linux installed on them worldwide. If you google it you will see that Windows dominates the personal computer industry.

Most of the users worldwide use Windows as their primary desktop operating system. Any laptop you see on the internet comes with Windows preinstalled. We don’t see Linux very often, so you might think that Linux is just used by a very small number of people who are so-called ‘computer geeks’ and no one, really wants to use Linux, it’s complicated and blah blah blah!

Now let’s look at the big picture, it’s true Windows does dominate the PC industry, but what about your Android smartphone, smart watches, web servers, cloud infrastructure, and supercomputers? Yeah 😂 now we are talking, linux is not used on PCs by most of the users worldwide but the services they use the products they utilise the websites they visit. All of these are backed by a computer running Linux on it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Who Should Follow This Series?

Well, anyone who wants to if I am being honest. Yes, anyone can follow this series if they want to, because we will start from the bottom ground anyone, at any level can join, at any time. The series will not include just the basics of Linux as a normal playlist does. This playlist will be a little cyber-security oriented, but this doesn’t mean we will not learn the basic concepts of Linux, but rather cherry on the cake, you will also get a little essence of hacking in it.

Now it’s up to you, surely you will get something new to learn-n-share with your friends if you follow along. If you know everything already, well it’s really good awesome you should go and check out more interesting things on the site. Maybe there you will find something of your interest. I will see you in the next post till then ba bayy👋

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