
Are You Successful in Life?

Success. It’s the holy grail of modern society. We all chase it, we all want it, but what exactly is it? Is success really just a measure of how many Instagram followers you have? Or its just the post or position of yours in a corporate firm or institution where you are working or studying? Well a very famous writer Brian Tracy has worked in many businesses and to 120 countries wrote his famous book Million Dollar Habits wrote about five different types of small but revolutionary habits which can allow you to grow and become successful in the long run. So lets sit tight and come with me in the journey to explore these revolutionary habit. LET’S GO!!!! towards the stairs of success.

Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world.

In his book Tracy put forward these five major habits that each and every person should have to grow in life and be a successful person:

  • Reprogram yourself for success.
  • How to stay fit and healthy.
  • How to have great relationships.
  • How to do what you love.
  • How to become financially independent.

We will discuss each and every point in detail in this blog so please kindly stay with me, so let’s start from our first habit.

1. Reprogram Yourself for Success

Do you know? that most of the successful billionaires have a different point of view(POV) towards how our world functions we often use to hear some very popular idioms from our parents such as “Paise ped par nhi ugte” or some other such as “Mere paas koi alladin ka chiraag nhi hai” kind of stuff do you know that most of the successful people have very different ideologies towards their desires. A very much successful author as well as businessman Mr. Robert T. Kiyosaki in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad wrote about his rich dad that whenever Robert demands anything from his rich dad he get a reply that “Think how can you buy it” now there can be an alternate and that’s “NO!!” there is a big difference in these two replies (I’m not talking about word limit though) the difference is about mindset the first reply will insist you to think which will develop your mental capacity and the second one is just the end of whole talk.

this habit will be develop through playing chess, listening to the podcasts and interviews of successful people, read non-fictional books.

Successful people are simply those with successful habits.

Brian Tracy

2. How to Stay Fit and Healthy

We often see film stars or WWE wrestlers on televisions we can notice how fit they are. Well a masculine or healthy body doesn’t only meant for attracting girls, it also has much other benefits. Being fit and healthy will build your self confidence on another level. Just imagine you are looking at your body in a mirror and you see a fat, skinny person or just opposite, a big muscular CHAD!! whom you will choose to be?.

Now here comes a most important part that how can you grow a fit body? It’s has very simple and straight forward answer “Go gym regularly” even going to gym for three days in a week can make you muscular. Well if can’t work then if you even walk straight for 10 mins you can grow a much good body yesterday than what you are today. the second thing always remain concern about your diet don’t eat too oily stuffs and never overfill your stomach, drink water in every 2 hours and my friend if you are doing it than it’s really good.

Eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a prince and eat dinner like a pauper

Adelle Davis

2. Having Great Relationships

Think of a person who is very intelligent, smart, very much business minded but along with all of that he is a complete bastard. He likes to disrespect others and don’t care about other’s feelings. Do you would anyone help him in making his company or can anyone even talk to him? And the answer is NO!! people will only respect to those who respects them and that’s why having a great communication skill is mandatory.

You can develop that skill by observing the professionals on how they deliver their message to others in an interview. Start using little bit of hand gestures while talking, stop for few second after completing one sentence, be calm while talking. These are some good habits to acquire a great verbal or communication skills.

The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.

Michel de Montaigne

4. Do What You Love

There are certain stories about certain people like “This person had nothing in his hands, but now he owns a billion dollar company”. We can take some real life examples also like Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple and Pixar entertainments has started his carrier as a college dropout and starts from his garage. Now there is nothing wrong in this he surely did hardwork but one thing we all are missing in this story. that all these persons love their jobs.

They love what they are doing so that they can do their work even for whole night without getting tired. No matter how much hardwork you put on your goal but if you don’t like the process then it’s impossible to reach at the end of your goal. That’s why it’s important to explore your own passion and start working on it if you want to change things. Keep exploring.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Steve Jobs

5. Become Financially Independent

Well all the above things will not finally going to fill you tummy if you don’t have money to survive. Still money is a big barrier there are several how you can make money there isn’t much here you just need to have some financial mindset which you can develop just by reading some books such as The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel Rich dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki are some recommended ones and also try to start invest in an early age as possible. Do share in mutual funds, Invest in real estate etc.

If you want to be rich, you need to develop your vision. You must be standing on the edge of time gazing into the future.

Robert T. Kiyosaki

These all habits are those which are very much common in every successful businessman, sports person, entrepreneurs etc. and if you adopt these habits I will assure you that you can find yourself much ahead in your society than others in the future so be confident about yourself.