What is ADB and How To Install it in Windows and Linux ?

ADB, or Android Debug Bridge, is a powerful tool that allows developers and users to interact with their Android devices in various ways. With ADB, you can install and uninstall apps, run shell commands, transfer files, access device logs, and more.

How does abd works?

ADB works by creating a connection between your computer and your device, either through USB or wireless network. To use ADB, you need to have the Android SDK installed on your computer and enable USB debugging on your device. ADB is a useful and versatile tool that can help you debug and customize your Android experience.

Steps to Install abd for Windows

To install abd for Windows, its pretty simple all you have to do is follow these steps.

  1. Download: SDK Platform-Tools for Windows
  2. Extract the Zip file to somewhere in C drive
  3. Copy the path of adb.exe file ( If your file lies in C:\test\adb.exe ⇒ Path would be C:\test
  4. Press Win + R and type SystemPropertiesAdvanced, hit ENTER
  5. Click on Environment Variables
  6. Under System Variables, Double Click on Path
  7. Click New
  8. Past the Path from Step 3
  9. Click ok and close System properties windows

If you have followed the Steps correctly and have entered the correct path you can now access the adb from windows terminal. To check if you have added the adb into path correctly, press Win + R and type cmd, hit Enter. Then you just have to write adb and a big help documentation should come up to the console right away.

Installing adb in Linux

For Linux its easy as hell all you have to to is open up a terminal and write this command

  • Debian/Ubuntu-based Linux users can type the following command to install ADB: sudo apt install adb
  • Fedora/SUSE-based Linux users can type the following command to install ADB: sudo dnf install android-tools
  • For Arch Linux, you can install ADB using the following command: sudo pacman -S android-tools

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